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Kardinia Dohne Merino StudKardinia Dohne Stud is situated in the south eastern region of the Riverina, north of Corowa in regional NSW. Just north of the mighty Murray river, 40 minutes downstream from the major regional hub of Albury.

The annual average rainfall of 21 inches with temperature variances of hot dry summers intermingled with occasional storms and winter months that can be cold with extended periods of wet weather.

Don and Karen have been involved for over 20 years in the management and day to day running of Mills Pastoral Company a family owned mixed cropping and grazing operation.

In recent years Don’s parents retired with Don and Karen taking over the ownership of Kardinia and expanding the operation to include 3,000 acres at Tarcutta where they run commercial Dohnes and cattle. Don has worked extensively as a wool classer of merino, comeback and crossbred clips throughout the southern riverina, Victoria and Tasmania.

The Kardinia Dohne Stud was established in 2000 after Don became disillusioned as to the lack of opportunities for wool and meat in the traditional Merino. Don attended a field day in northern NSW and was impressed with what Dohnes had to offer and the opportunity to breed a true quality prime lamb with a fine merino wool. The Dohnes he saw were displaying excellent mothering characteristics which added to higher lamb survivals and the early growth rates ensured a quick growing thriving lamb. He was impressed with their naturally bare breech and mulesing ceased at Kardinia in 2007.

To ensure our ongoing commitment to providing quality animals we aim to breed the best animals from Kardinia Stud Sires and carefully infuse superior genetics from Australian and South African Studs. Both Don and Karen attend field days, training and seminars to ensure they are both kept abreast of the the latest trends and technologies across the sheep industry.

Kardinia Dohne Merino StudDon has served on both the Australian National Dohne Association national council and the Eastern States committee.

Don is currently the state chairman of the Victorian Dohne Breeders Association and works closely with the Department of Agriculture on Dohne trials and research projects as well as the state committee promoting the breed.

Don and Karen ( with their son Matt 15) extend a warm welcome to come and view the Kardinia Dohne Stud

Contact us

Don and Karen Mills

0427 872 808

02 6035 8516

02 6035 8503

Corowa NSW 2646



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