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Why use Dohnes

Kardinia Dohnes have been bred to suit and adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions across Australia with an emphasis on producing sheep with good structure and confirmation as well as early maturity, high growth rates and doing ability. They are easy care, high fertility with excellent mothering combined with minimal fly strike and fleece rot.

We focus strongly on wool types in our breeding objectives and produce a fine Dohne Merino wool averaging 19.5 microns. As Dohnes are naturally bare breeched we ceased mulesing in 2007 prior to the industry changes. We recently sold wool through New Merino who supplies non-mulesed wool to leading spinners and garment makers that is certified to standards required by their customers with full traceability.

Kardinia Dohne Merino StudKardinia Dohne Merino Stud

Each consignment of wool is supplied with an E Number where the manufacturer can view the farm profile of where the fibre was grown. The demand for non mulesed wool is growing, especially in the outdoor leisure market and that manufacturers, retailers and customers want certainty the fibre can be legitimately back to the supplier.


The benefit of Dohnes are also the production of prime lambs that attract keen interest for the domestic and international market. Over recent years feedback from meat processors have advised lambs from Kardinia have recorded a 1.33% higher average meat yield than all other breeds and results from a recent MLA eating quality study Dohne lamb scored extremely well.

Kardinia Dohne Merino StudKardinia commercial Dohnes have competed in the Rutherglen Agricultural show feedlot trial for the last 5 years with consistent results. Against traditional prime lambs crosses, pure Dohne lambs have finished as high as 2nd in the growth rates and carcase evaluation competition.

With growth rates in excess of 400g per day Dohne Lambs are well muscled and evenly proportioned. Overseen by the Department of Agriculture the six week trial produces feedback data on feedlot weight gain, feed conversion efficiency and carcass weight.

Just another reason why you need a true dual purpose Dohne.

Contact us

Don and Karen Mills

0427 872 808

02 6035 8516

02 6035 8503

Corowa NSW 2646



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