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2022 Newsletter

Kardinia Dohne stud is proud to be 1 of 10 woolgrowers to supply Dohne wool to be used by A.BCH, bespoke knit fabric designer and manufacturer MTK Australia range. The Dohne wool was used within its A.34 thermal shirt range. The fibre was purchased by Fox and Lillie before being sent to Xin'ao in China to be processed and spun. Continue reading

2021 Newsletter

Kardinia Dohne stud who ceased mulesing in 2006 is part of Fox and Lillie Rural (Sheep Wool Buyers and Brokers) largest Australian farm group of woolgrowers accredited under the RWS (Responsible Wool Standard) programme. RWS is a global independent and voluntary standard that addresses the welfare of sheep. Continue reading

2020 Newsletter

Kardinia is gearing up for a strong ram selling season with seasonal conditions looking favourable across most regions. For the health and safety of all clients we have introduced a few changes with our sale being conducted under Covid safe guidelines. Continue reading

2019 Newletter

What an interesting and sometimes challenging time the Australian sheep industry has experienced over the last 12 months. With such a diverse Kardinia client base across different states we are hearing the weather has certainly created some extremes. The lamb market is certainly buoyant with a strong positive outlook on the domestic and global platform and records will continue to be achieved. Fluctuating wool sales with some curious trends otherwise masked by China’s dominance emerged but hopefully will settle and confidence by global players will return. Continue reading

2018 Newsletter

Welcome to the Kardinia Dohne Stud 2018 newsletter. Increased prices for wool and lamb have seen records broken even with the lack of rainfall in some areas. We are receiving lots of positive feedback about how Dohne’s are performing producing prime lambs and quality wool and one passionate grower conducted their own mini trial using a combination of Dohne’s Merino’s and Poll Merino’s. Whilst the group of 100 ewes in each of the 4 groups was too small to draw any firm conclusions the results are certainly interesting. Dohne’s won conclusively in the lambing and weaning % , Dohne’s led the way across weight, fat, muscle depth and micron but were slightly lower in fleece weight. Overall gross per ewe averaged out over the 100 in each group was as follows. Continue reading

2017 Newsletter

Welcome to the Kardinia Dohne Stud 2017 newsletter. Dohnes are certainly becoming the emerging hero of the sheep industry with strong demand for animals that continue to tick all the boxes and provide a profitable return for growers. Continue reading

2016 Newsletter

Kardinia Dohnes continue to shine as we move towards the 2016 spring ram selling season. The winter season at Kardinia has been extremely wet but as spring is fast approaching the emerging sun and warmth will bring good pasture growth. Our 2016 lamb drop are already on the ground and the ewes and their offspring continue to thrive and grow under these conditions. Dohnes are renowned for being great mothers and even under the adverse weather conditions they continually protect and guard their lambs. We often comment that Dohne ewes can count which again reinforces their amazing mothering ability in raising their off spring. Continue reading

2015 Newsletter

Kardinia Dohne Stud has been a hive of activity in recent months, and it looks set to continue as we gear up for the spring ram selling season. We experienced a dry Autumn but Winter is turning into a solid season with good rainfall which will bring on good pasture growth when the weather starts to warm. We are currently busy tagging our current lamb drop and with our good seasonal conditions and the robustness of Dohne lambs they are certainly off to a good early start in life. Continue reading

2014 Newsletter

After a hot and dry summer following a light spring, we had a kind autumn. Rain came late in March and in early April we had our most significant autumn rain for many years. The warm weather stayed around till the end of May with phenomenal growth across the farm. Our stud ewes are currently lambing with many multiples on the ground which will hold us in good stead for 2015 and beyond. We are busy preparing our young rams for the upcoming sale season and at this stage are certainly looking impressive. Continue reading

Contact us

Don and Karen Mills

0427 872 808

02 6035 8516

02 6035 8503

Corowa NSW 2646



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